Deep Learning Solutions ooFu Tech, LLC
WOOFU TECH, LLC | Los Angeles, CA | 90057


uHearingTest is an hearing assessment tool which provides an efficient and user friendly way to assess listener’s hearing sensitivity. The program allows the listener to quickly find out his/her hearing sensitivity compared to other normal-hearing listeners. The App won the 2014 UCLA Code for the Mission Service Categories: Tackling the Big Health Problems and freely available at UCLA App Store.     

UCLA Music Theory

The app designed to both engage new  musicians and also allow experienced musicians to practice their skills on a fun, user friendly platform. The App won the 2015 UCLA Code for the Mission Education Track: Games that Enhance Learning and freely available at App Store.       uHearingTest (iOS and Android Version) uHearingTest is an hearing assessment tool which provides an efficient and user friendly way to assess listener’s hearing sensitivity. The program allows the listener to quickly find out his/her hearing sensitivity compared to other normal-hearing listeners. The development of new version of uHearingTest is supported by House Ear Institute and UCLA.  uHearingTest(优听)是一个基于心理物理自适应方法的听力阈值检测软件。不同频率的纯音 (250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000赫兹) 阈值可以通过自适应的方法进行自我评估检测。 本软件由 美国豪斯研究所,加州大学洛杉矶分校资助完成。 uHearingTest es una herramienta de evaluación basada en audición psicofisicamente avanzada la cual provee una forma eficiente de evaluar la sensibilidad auditiva del receptor. El límite de seis tonos puros con diferentes frecuencias (250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k) será una medida adaptada. El programa provee el nivel auditivo (HL) del usuario al final del examen. El programa permite al receptor encontrar rápidamente su sensibilidad auditiva.
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WoofuTech is committed to develop IOS-based App to tackle the big health problems and education by teaming with university professors and other enthusiastic individuals. We have succesfully developed and released two iOS Apps to communitie in the last two years. Several apps are under development and will be released in the near future.
more info more info uHearingTest Manual (PDF)