Deep Learning Solutions ooFu Tech, LLC
WOOFU TECH, LLC | Los Angeles, CA | 90057

Algorithms for automatic reading of vehicle number plates

The purpose of this project is to develop an algorithm for automatic reading of vehicle number plates, implemented as free software (GPL), which may be used for traffic analysis and home automation projects.

Neural networks and Machine learning

The purpose of this project is to use training images of caltech's bird dataset and the annotations on those images to propose regions of interests where birds can be, and recognize the region that the bird picture is in.         
WoofuTech LLC is also committed to provide perform mathemetical modeling to tackle the real-world problems by teaming with university professors and other enthusiastic individuals. We are currently working on several projects related to image processing and mathematical modeling of synthtic biology.
Developing back-end PHP programs to support database query for gene sequencing (modeling and data sharing ) and data logging for various iOS apps.